@@ -1,7 +1,500 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { Icon, Modal, message, Spin, Button, Tabs } from 'antd';
+import { Icon, Modal, message, Spin, Button, Tabs, Input, Select, Form, DatePicker, Cascader } from 'antd';
import './userList.less';
-import OrgCertify from './orgCertify.jsx';
+import ajax from 'jquery/src/ajax/xhr.js';
+import $ from 'jquery/src/ajax';
+import moment from 'moment';
+import { eduLevelList, auditStatusList, certifyStepList } from '../../dataDic.js'
+import { provinceSelect } from '../../tools.js';
+const OrgCertify = Form.create()(React.createClass({
+ getInitialState() {
+ return {
+ visible: false,
+ loading: false,
+ tabKey: "1",
+ eduLvlOption: [],
+ auditStatusOption: []
+ };
+ },
+ loadData(uid) {
+ this.state.data = [];
+ this.setState({
+ loading: true
+ });
+ $.ajax({
+ method: "post",
+ dataType: "json",
+ crossDomain: false,
+ url: globalConfig.context + "/api/admin/orgDetail",
+ data: {
+ uid: uid
+ },
+ success: function (data) {
+ let thisData = data.data;
+ if (!thisData) {
+ if (data.error && data.error.length) {
+ message.warning(data.error[0].message);
+ };
+ thisData = {};
+ };
+ this.setState({
+ id: thisData.id,
+ licenceAddress: [thisData.licenceProvince, thisData.licenceCity, thisData.licenceArea],
+ locationAddress: [thisData.locationProvince, thisData.locationCity, thisData.locationArea],
+ contacts: thisData.contacts,
+ contactMobile: thisData.contactMobile,
+ fixedTel: thisData.fixedTel,
+ qq: thisData.qq,
+ postalAddress: thisData.postalAddress,
+ postcode: thisData.postcode,
+ aftUsername: thisData.aftUsername,
+ unitName: thisData.unitName,
+ identityType: thisData.identityType, //组织性质
+ registeredCapital: thisData.registeredCapital, //注册资金
+ firstContacts: thisData.firstContacts,
+ firstMobile: thisData.firstMobile,
+ secondContacts: thisData.secondContacts,
+ secondMobile: thisData.secondMobile,
+ thirdContacts: thisData.thirdContacts,
+ thirdMobile: thisData.thirdMobile,
+ legalPerson: thisData.legalPerson,
+ legalPersonIdCard: thisData.legalPersonIdCard,
+ licenceNumber: thisData.licenceNumber,
+ licenceScanningUrl: thisData.licenceScanningUrl,
+ orgCode: thisData.orgCode,
+ orgCodeUrl: thisData.orgCodeUrl,
+ bankAccount: thisData.bankAccount,
+ banks: thisData.banks,
+ bankBranch: thisData.bankBranch,
+ bankCardNumber: thisData.bankCardNumber,
+ validationAmount: thisData.validationAmount, //打款金额
+ paymentDate: thisData.paymentDate,
+ paymentDateFormattedDate: thisData.paymentDateFormattedDate,
+ lastYearTaxReportUrl: thisData.lastYearTaxReportUrl,
+ auditStatus: thisData.auditStatus,
+ });
+ this.props.form.resetFields();
+ }.bind(this),
+ }).always(function () {
+ this.setState({
+ loading: false
+ });
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ handleSubmit(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.props.form.validateFields((err, values) => {
+ if (!err) {
+ this.setState({
+ loading: true
+ });
+ //金额判断
+ if (values.amountMoney && values.amountMoney < 0 && values.amountMoney > 100 && /^\d+(\.\d{2})?$/.test(values.amountMoney)) {
+ message.warning('请输入0-100以内的金额');
+ return;
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ method: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ crossDomain: false,
+ url: globalConfig.context + "/api/admin/updateOrgDetail",
+ data: {
+ uid: this.props.uid,
+ id: this.state.id,
+ contacts: values.contacts,
+ contactMobile: values.contactMobile,
+ postalAddress: values.postalAddress,
+ postcode: values.postcode,
+ aftUsername: values.aftUsername,
+ unitName: values.unitName,
+ identityType: values.identityType, //组织性质
+ registeredCapital: values.registeredCapital, //注册资金
+ legalPerson: values.legalPerson,
+ legalPersonIdCard: values.legalPersonIdCard,
+ licenceNumber: values.licenceNumber,
+ orgCode: values.orgCode,
+ firstContacts: values.firstContacts,
+ firstMobile: values.firstMobile,
+ secondContacts: values.secondContacts,
+ secondMobile: values.secondMobile,
+ thirdContacts: values.thirdContacts,
+ thirdMobile: values.thirdMobile,
+ bankAccount: values.bankAccount,
+ banks: values.banks,
+ bankBranch: values.bankBranch,
+ bankCardNumber: values.bankCardNumber,
+ validationAmount: values.validationAmount, //打款金额
+ paymentDateFormattedDate: values.paymentDateFormattedDate ? values.paymentDateFormattedDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD") : undefined,
+ auditStatus: values.auditStatus,
+ //process: this.state.process,
+ licenceArea: values.licenceAddress[2],
+ licenceCity: values.licenceAddress[1],
+ licenceProvince: values.licenceAddress[0],
+ locationArea: values.locationAddress[2],
+ locationCity: values.locationAddress[1],
+ locationProvince: values.locationAddress[0],
+ }
+ }).done(function (data) {
+ if (!data.error.length) {
+ message.success('保存成功!');
+ } else {
+ message.warning(data.error[0].message);
+ }
+ }.bind(this)).always(function () {
+ this.setState({
+ visible: false,
+ });
+ this.props.handleOk();
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ handleCancel() {
+ this.props.closeDesc(false);
+ },
+ componentWillMount() {
+ let _me = this;
+ eduLevelList.map(function (item, i) {
+ _me.state.eduLvlOption.push(
+ <Select.Option key={item.key} value={item.value} >{item.key}</Select.Option>
+ );
+ });
+ auditStatusList.map(function (item, i) {
+ _me.state.auditStatusOption.push(
+ <Select.Option key={item.key} value={item.value} >{item.key}</Select.Option>
+ );
+ });
+ this.loadData(this.props.uid);
+ },
+ componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ if (!this.props.visible && nextProps.visible) {
+ this.loadData(nextProps.uid);
+ this.state.tabKey = "1";
+ };
+ },
+ render() {
+ const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
+ const FormItem = Form.Item
+ const formItemLayout = {
+ labelCol: { span: 6 },
+ wrapperCol: { span: 12 },
+ };
+ return (
+ <Form horizontal onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} className="person-form">
+ <Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" activeKey={this.state.tabKey} onChange={(e) => { this.setState({ tabKey: e }); }}>
+ <Tabs.TabPane tab="基本资料" key="1">
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="公司名称"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('unitName', {
+ initialValue: this.state.unitName
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="认证名称"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('aftUsername', {
+ initialValue: this.state.aftUsername
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="身份类型"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('identityType', {
+ initialValue: this.state.identityType
+ })(
+ <Select placeholder="身份类型" style={{ width: 200 }}
+ onChange={(e) => { this.state.identityType = e }}>
+ {this.state.eduLvlOption}
+ </Select>
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="联系人"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('contacts', {
+ initialValue: this.state.contacts
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="联系人电话"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('contactMobile', {
+ initialValue: this.state.contactMobile
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="第一联系人"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('firstContacts', {
+ initialValue: this.state.firstContacts
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="第一联系人电话"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('firstMobile', {
+ initialValue: this.state.firstMobile
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="第二联系人"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('secondContacts', {
+ initialValue: this.state.secondContacts
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="第二联系人电话"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('secondMobile', {
+ initialValue: this.state.secondMobile
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="第三联系人"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('thirdContacts', {
+ initialValue: this.state.thirdContacts
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="联系人电话"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('thirdMobile', {
+ initialValue: this.state.thirdMobile
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ </Tabs.TabPane>
+ <Tabs.TabPane tab="认证信息" key="2">
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="法人"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('legalPerson', {
+ initialValue: this.state.legalPerson
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="法人身份证号"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('legalPersonIdCard', {
+ initialValue: this.state.legalPersonIdCard
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="注册资金"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('registeredCapital', {
+ initialValue: this.state.registeredCapital
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="营业执照编号"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('licenceNumber', {
+ initialValue: this.state.licenceNumber
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="营业执照所在地"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('licenceAddress', {
+ initialValue: this.state.licenceAddress
+ })(
+ <Cascader options={provinceSelect()} placeholder="请选择地址" />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ labelCol={{ span: 6 }}
+ wrapperCol={{ span: 18 }}
+ label="营业执照图片"
+ >
+ <div className="idcard-img clearfix">
+ {this.state.licenceScanningUrl ? <div>
+ <div className="idcard-imgbox">
+ <img src={globalConfig.context + '/open/writeImage?path=' + this.state.licenceScanningUrl} alt="点击查看大图"
+ onClick={(e) => { window.open(e.target.src) }} />
+ </div>
+ </div> : <div><Icon type="exclamation-circle" style={{ color: '#ffbf00', marginRight: '6px' }} />未上传</div>}
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="组织机构代码"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('orgCode', {
+ initialValue: this.state.orgCode
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ labelCol={{ span: 6 }}
+ wrapperCol={{ span: 18 }}
+ label="组织机构代码证图片"
+ >
+ <div className="idcard-img clearfix">
+ {this.state.orgCodeUrl ? <div>
+ <div className="idcard-imgbox">
+ <img src={globalConfig.context + '/open/writeImage?path=' + this.state.orgCodeUrl} alt="点击查看大图"
+ onClick={(e) => { window.open(e.target.src) }} />
+ </div>
+ </div> : <div><Icon type="exclamation-circle" style={{ color: '#ffbf00', marginRight: '6px' }} />未上传</div>}
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ labelCol={{ span: 6 }}
+ wrapperCol={{ span: 18 }}
+ label="上年度纳税报表"
+ >
+ <div className="idcard-img clearfix">
+ {this.state.lastYearTaxReportUrl ? <div>
+ <div className="idcard-imgbox">
+ <img src={globalConfig.context + '/open/writeImage?path=' + this.state.lastYearTaxReportUrl} alt="点击查看大图"
+ onClick={(e) => { window.open(e.target.src) }} />
+ </div>
+ </div> : <div><Icon type="exclamation-circle" style={{ color: '#ffbf00', marginRight: '6px' }} />未上传</div>}
+ </div>
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="开户银行"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('banks', {
+ initialValue: this.state.banks
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="开户银行支行"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('bankBranch', {
+ initialValue: this.state.bankBranch
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="银行卡号"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('bankCardNumber', {
+ initialValue: this.state.bankCardNumber
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="开户行所在地"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('locationAddress', {
+ initialValue: this.state.locationAddress
+ })(
+ <Cascader options={provinceSelect()} placeholder="请选择地址" />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="打款金额"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('validationAmount', {
+ initialValue: this.state.validationAmount
+ })(
+ <Input />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="打款日期"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('paymentDateFormattedDate', {
+ initialValue: this.state.paymentDate ? moment(this.state.paymentDate) : null
+ })(
+ <DatePicker />
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ <FormItem
+ {...formItemLayout}
+ label="认证状态"
+ >
+ {getFieldDecorator('auditStatus', {
+ initialValue: this.state.auditStatus
+ })(
+ <Select placeholder="选择认证状态" style={{ width: 200 }}
+ onChange={(e) => { this.state.auditStatus = e }}>
+ {this.state.auditStatusOption}
+ </Select>
+ )}
+ </FormItem>
+ </Tabs.TabPane>
+ </Tabs>
+ <FormItem wrapperCol={{ span: 12, offset: 4 }}>
+ <Button className="set-submit" type="primary" htmlType="submit">保存</Button>
+ <Button className="set-submit" type="ghost" onClick={this.handleCancel} >取消</Button>
+ </FormItem>
+ </Form >
+ );
+ }
const OrgDesc = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
@@ -40,10 +533,6 @@ const OrgDesc = React.createClass({
- <Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={callback}>
- <Tabs.TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</Tabs.TabPane>
- <Tabs.TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">Content of Tab Pane 2</Tabs.TabPane>
- </Tabs>