import React from 'react'; import { Modal, message, Spin, Input, Select, Button, Form, Col, Cascader, Tag, Tooltip, AutoComplete, Icon } from 'antd'; import $ from 'jquery/src/ajax'; import { areaSelect } from '@/NewDicProvinceList'; import { socialAttribute, customerSource } from '@/dataDic.js'; import TextArea from "antd/es/input/TextArea"; const confirm = Modal.confirm; const AchievementDetailForm = Form.create()(React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { loading: false, data: {}, detailApi: '', businessScope: [], inputVisible: false, cooperationProjects: [], selectCooperationProjects: [] }; }, handleSubmit(e) { // if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(this.state.content)) { // } else { // message.error("请填写正确的姓名,且至少包含一个汉字"); // return; // } e.preventDefault(); this.props.form.validateFields((err, values) => { let re = new RegExp("^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"); if (!re.test( { message.warning('公司名称必须以汉字开头!') return } if (!re.test( - 1))) { message.warning('公司名称必须以汉字结尾!') return } if ( > 64) { message.warning('公司名称字数不超过64个!') return false; }; let regu = /[`~!#$%^&*'_[\]+=<>?:"{}|~!#¥%……&*=-@-!{}|/《》?:“”【】、;;‘’,,.。、\s+]/g; if (regu.test( { message.warning('公司名称不能存在特殊符号或空格!') return false; } if (!/^[A-Z0-9]{15}$|^[A-Z0-9]{17}$|^[A-Z0-9]{18}$|^[A-Z0-9]{20}$/.test(values.orgCode)) { message.warning('请输入正确的统一社会信用代码!') return } if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(values.content)) { } else { message.error("请填写正确的联系人,且至少包含一个汉字"); return false; }; if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(values.position)) { } else { message.error("请填写正确的职位,且至少包含一个汉字"); return false; }; if (!values.ProvinceCity[1]) { message.warning('请选择地区'); return false; }; if (values.content.length > 32) { message.warning('联系人字数不超过32个') return false; }; if (values.length > 13) { message.warning('电话号码字数不超过13个') return false; }; if (this.state.businessScope.length === 0) { message.warning('请选择主营产品') return false; } if (this.state.selectCooperationProjects.length === 0) { message.warning('请选择意向合作项目') return false; } let arr = []; for (let i of this.state.selectCooperationProjects) { arr.push(i.label) } if (!err) { this.setState({ loading: true }); $.ajax({ method: "POST", dataType: "json", crossDomain: false, url: globalConfig.context + '/api/admin/customer/addCustomer', data: { name:, orgCode: values.orgCode, contacts: values.content, contactMobile: values.telnum, societyTag: '0', //社会属性默认为 社会企业 //source:values.customerSource, province: (values.ProvinceCity)[0],//省 city: (values.ProvinceCity)[1],//市 area: (values.ProvinceCity)[2],//区 type: '1', intendedProject: arr.join(','), businessScope: this.state.businessScope.join(','), position: values.position, } }).done(function (data) { this.setState({ loading: false }); if (!data.error.length) { message.success('保存成功!'); this.setState({ verification: false }) this.props.handleOk(); } else { message.warning(data.error[0].message); } }.bind(this)); } }); }, componentWillMount() { = ''; this.state.content = ''; this.state.position = ''; this.state.telnum = ''; // this.state.societyTagt='0'; this.state.customerSource = '0'; this.state.inputValue = ''; this.state.businessScope = []; this.state.inputVisible = false; this.state.cooperationProjects = []; this.state.selectCooperationProjects = []; }, componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (!this.props.visible && nextProps.visible) { = ''; this.state.content = ''; this.state.position = ''; this.state.telnum = ''; this.state.inputValue = ''; this.state.businessScope = []; this.state.inputVisible = false; this.state.cooperationProjects = []; this.state.selectCooperationProjects = []; // this.state.societyTagt='0'; this.props.form.resetFields(); }; }, handleClose(removedTag) { let businessScope = this.state.businessScope.filter(tag => { return tag !== removedTag }); this.setState({ businessScope }); }, handleCloseCooperation(removedTag) { let selectCooperationProjects = this.state.selectCooperationProjects.filter(tag => { return tag.value !== removedTag.value }); this.setState({ selectCooperationProjects }); }, showInput() { let str = this.state.businessScope.join('/') this.setState({ inputVisible: true, inputValue: str }); }, handleInputConfirm() { let inputValue = this.state.inputValue; let arr = inputValue.split('/'); let lv = true; for (let i of arr) { if (!i.replace(/\s+/g, '')) { message.warning("请填写关键词且不为空"); return; } if (i.length > 16) { message.warning('单个标签字数不能超过16个字符') lv = false; return; } } if (lv) { arr = Array.from(new Set(arr)); arr = arr.filter(v => v); this.setState({ businessScope: arr, inputVisible: false, inputValue: '', }); } }, //加载(自动补全) supervisor(value) { $.ajax({ method: "get", dataType: "json", crossDomain: false, url: globalConfig.context + '/api/admin/order/getBusinessProjectByName', data: { businessName: value }, success: function (data) { let thedata =; if (data.error.length === 0) { this.setState({ cooperationProjects: thedata, }); } else { message.warning(data.error[0].message); } }.bind(this), }).always( function () { }.bind(this) ); }, onSelect(value) { let arr = this.state.cooperationProjects.filter(v => === value); let arr1 = this.state.selectCooperationProjects.filter(v => v.value === value); if (arr.length > 0) { if (arr1.length > 0) { message.warning('选项已存在'); } else { this.state.selectCooperationProjects.push({ label: arr[0].bname, value: arr[0].id, }) this.setState({ selectCooperationProjects: this.state.selectCooperationProjects }) } } }, checkUserName() { this.setState({ verification: false }) let yzName = this.props.form.getFieldValue('name') if (!yzName) { message.warning('请输入公司名称'); return; } let re = new RegExp("^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"); if (!re.test(yzName)) { message.warning('公司名称必须以汉字开头!') return } if (!re.test(yzName.charAt(yzName.length - 1))) { message.warning('公司名称必须以汉字结尾!') return } if (yzName.length > 64) { message.warning('公司名称字数不超过64个!') return; }; let regu = /[`~!#$%^&*'_[\]+=<>?:"{}|~!#¥%……&*=-@-!{}|/《》?:“”【】、;;‘’,,.。、\s+]/g; if (regu.test(yzName)) { message.warning('公司名称不能存在特殊符号或空格!') return false; } $.ajax({ method: "get", dataType: "json", crossDomain: false, url: globalConfig.context + '/api/admin/customer/checkUserName', data: { userName: this.props.form.getFieldValue('name') }, success: function (data) { if (data.error.length === 0) { if (! { this.setState({ verification: true }) } else {{ title: '提醒', content: (


), }); this.setState({ verification: false }) } } else { message.warning(data.error[0].message); } }.bind(this), }).always( function () { }.bind(this) ); }, render() { const theData = || {}; const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form; const FormItem = Form.Item const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { span: 6 }, wrapperCol: { span: 14 }, }; return (
{getFieldDecorator('name', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: })( {this.state.verification && } )}
{getFieldDecorator('orgCode', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: this.state.orgCode })( )}
{getFieldDecorator('ProvinceCity', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: this.state.ProvinceCity })( )}
{getFieldDecorator('content', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: this.state.content })( )}
{getFieldDecorator('position', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: this.state.position })( )}
{getFieldDecorator('telnum', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '此项为必填项!' }], initialValue: this.state.telnum })( )}
{, index) => { const isLongTag = tag.length > 20; const tagElem = ( this.handleClose(tag)}> {isLongTag ? `${tag.slice(0, 20)}...` : tag} ); return isLongTag ? {tagElem} : tagElem; })} { !this.state.inputVisible && }
{this.state.inputVisible && (