import React,{Component} from "react"; import {Form, Button, DatePicker, Input, message, Select, Spin, Table, Tabs} from "antd"; import { ShowModal, } from "@/tools"; import {ChooseList} from "../../manageCenter/order/orderNew/chooseList"; import $ from "jquery/src/ajax"; import moment from "moment"; const {TabPane} = Tabs; const { RangePicker } = DatePicker; const FormItem = Form.Item class TabelContent extends Component{ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state={ changeList:[], dataSource:[], pagination: { defaultCurrent: 1, defaultPageSize: 10, showQuickJumper: true, pageSize: 10, onChange: function(page) { this.loadData(page); }.bind(this), showTotal: function(total) { return "共" + total + "条数据"; } }, searchValues:{}, contactsOption:[] } this.loadData= this.loadData.bind(this); this.exportExec= this.exportExec.bind(this); this.selectSuperId= this.selectSuperId.bind(this); } loadData(pageNo) { this.setState({ loading:true }) $.ajax({ method: "get", dataType: "json", crossDomain: false, url: globalConfig.context + this.props.tabelApi, data: { pageNo: pageNo || 1, pageSize: this.state.pagination.pageSize, }, success: function(data) { ShowModal(this); this.setState({ loading:false }) if (data.error && data.error.length === 0) { this.state.pagination.current =; =; if ( && && ! { this.state.pagination.current = 0; = 0; } this.setState({ dataSource: this.props.dataProcessing ? this.props.dataProcessing(data) :, pagination: this.state.pagination, }); }else{ message.warning(data.error[0].message); } }.bind(this) }).always( function() { this.setState({ loading: false }); }.bind(this) ); } exportExec(){ let data = { clockStart:this.state.releaseDate[0], clockEnd:this.state.releaseDate[1], createStart:this.state.createReleaseDate[0], createEnd:this.state.createReleaseDate[1], depId:this.state.superId, aid:this.state.theTypes }; for(let i of Object.keys(data)){ if(!data[i]){ delete data[i] } } window.location.href = globalConfig.context + this.props.exportApi + "?" + $.param(data); } //获取上级组织 selectSuperId() { this.setState({ departmentLoading: true }); $.ajax({ method: "get", dataType: "json", crossDomain: false, url: globalConfig.context + "/api/admin/organization/selectSuperId", data:{}, success: function (data) { let theArr = []; if (data.error && data.error.length === 0) { for(let i=0;iv.type === 'departmentSelect') let arr1 = this.props.searchList.filter(v=>v.defaultValue) if(arr.length > 0){ this.selectSuperId(); } if(arr1.length > 0){ for(let i of arr1){ this.state.searchValues[i.dataKey] = i.defaultValue } } } } render() { const { searchValues } = this.state; return (
{ (this.props.searchList || []).map((v,k)=>( v.type === 'text' ? { searchValues[v.dataKey] = this.setState({ searchValues: searchValues }); }} /> : v.type === 'select' || v.type === 'departmentSelect' ? { } : v.type === 'times' ? { searchValues[v.dataKey[0]] = String(dataString[0]); searchValues[v.dataKey[1]] = String(dataString[1]); this.setState({ searchValues: searchValues }); }} /> : null )) }
{this.props.exportApi &&
0 ? this.state.changeList : this.props.columns } dataSource={this.state.dataSource} pagination={this.state.pagination} /> ) } } export default TabelContent;